Caractère du saluki
Actualité publié le 05/02/2022
Le Saluki issu du Moyen Orient (Country of Origin ou COO) est particulièrement attaché et avide d'interactions avec son maître. Issu d'une longue sélection pour la chasse en milieu hostile, il ne saurait en être autrement, la survie de l'un comme de l'autre dépendant d'une coopération sans faille comme l'explique l'éleveur Micaela Lehtonen (Qashani Salukis) :
COO Salukis have the same temperamental traits as Western Salukis, but in a more concentrated form. They are more intense - passionate, loyal, fiery, loving, cooperative, smart, charismatic and endlessly energetic. COO Salukis are bred to work with their masters, and it shows - they relish close contact and doing things with their owner - it is generally more ingrained in them and can be seen especially when free running. Which does not mean that recall is necessarily 100% whenever the owner wishes, certainly not when game is sighted!
COO Salukis have the same temperamental traits as Western Salukis, but in a more concentrated form. They are more intense - passionate, loyal, fiery, loving, cooperative, smart, charismatic and endlessly energetic. COO Salukis are bred to work with their masters, and it shows - they relish close contact and doing things with their owner - it is generally more ingrained in them and can be seen especially when free running. Which does not mean that recall is necessarily 100% whenever the owner wishes, certainly not when game is sighted!